Gondwana Collection Namibia, gondwana, windhoek, katutura, katutura soap project, hand made soap, hiv related events, namibia olive oil, empoverment of the community
Lacally sourced, ethical, handmade and eco friendly soaps
cattle, Stamps and Stories, ekori, headdresses, ovahimba, clothing, women, Gondwana Collection, gondwana, Uncategorized, Red ochre paste (otjize), beauty, meat tasting ceremony (makera), style, ox horn containers (onya), ekori-headdress, namibia culture groups, OtjiHerero-speaking, stamps and stories
In contrast to all other Namibian culture groups, the OvaHimba have retained their...
The designer's and builder's name was Siegfried Schnebel. "This is a windmill which I...
Travel, Gondwana Collection Namibia, science, Stamps and Stories, Gondwana Park, brandberg mountain, nature, transportation, Fish River Canyon, plants, north-western Namibia, Museum of Natural History, gladiator, National Museum in Namibia, Mantophasmatodea, Oliver Zompro, heelwalker, Martin Wittneben, insects namibia, Gondwana Cañon Park
At the start of this millennium Namibia caused worldwide headlines when biologists found...
Amidst the red table-top mountains of Damaraland, a wealth of rock engravings are etched...
Long before the Twyfelfontein engravings became a popular tourist destination and...
Travel, Mountain Bike Race through the Aus Mountains, vacation, outdoors, piet swiegers, hikers, wildly romantic scenery, Trans Andes Challange, nature, gondwana lodge, Wild Horses, marathon riders, cycletec, transportation, cars, Gondwana Sperrgebiet Rand Park, Aus Mountains, klein-aus vista mountainbike chellenge, mountain bike race, granite mountains, Klein-aus Vista
The second Klein-Aus Vista Mountain Bike Challenge will be held on 29 and 30 April 2012...
They have been a success right from the start and Namibia fans are rushing for it: the...
Travel, Gondwana Collection Namibia, stopover on the way into Caprivi, rundu, vacation, caprivi, river cruises, hippos, outdoors, popa falls, spectacular sunrises, gondwana, Uncategorized, Hakusembe River Lodge, nature, sunrises and sunsets, victoria falls, lush vegetation, namibia lodge, hakusembe river lodge
Situated 12 km west of Rundu, Hakusembe River Lodge makes for the perfect stopover on the...
Travel, Stamps and Stories, vacation, Nama, Gondwana Collection, gondwana, Uncategorized, Stories & History, south west africa, herero, politics, Sam Nujoma, herero clash, namibia independence march 21, European colonial powers, freedom struggle, Table Mountain, namibia independence, swapo, Gariep/Orange River, Adolf Lüderitz
January 1677. At the tip of Africa, where a supply station has been established at the...
Travel, Gondwana Collection Namibia, Stamps and Stories, National Museum of Namibia, Uncategorized, environment, Kwando River, AaWambo, transportation, makalani palm, VaKavango, West-Caprivi, East caprivi, Zambezi River, black Bushmen, Luyi-Balozi, Khwe, collecting bags, Hambukushu area of Kavango, Nyemba, bantu-speaking, Bantu-speaking People, Kavango area, HaMbukushu, Pópò-baskets, Professor Dr Oswin Köhler, oámà-baskets
A large variety of basketry has always formed part of the material culture of the...
Travel, Gondwana Collection Namibia, Stamps and Stories, jackal, vacation, africa, Gondwana Collection, gondwana, animals, Personalised Stamps, nature, Fish River Canyon, Poll, leopard, Panthera pardus, master of camouflage and stealth, genus panthera, rudyard kipling, hyena, dangerous, how the leopard got his spots, African folklore, master of camouflage, leopards favourite food, last common ancestor, wild cats
According to African folklore , Leopard stopped sharing his meals and started to hide...
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