Travel, Gondwana Collection Namibia, Stamps and Stories, vacation, Nature Conservation, southern namibia, outdoors, africa, Gondwana Park, gondwana, Uncategorized, gondwana canyon park, Personalised Stamps, nature, Keetmanshoop, orange river, Fish River Canyon, Poll, giant snake, south america, sheep and goats, nama ledend, bethanien, warambad, Hiker’s Point, ais ais, super continent gondwana, ai ais richtersfeld transfontier park, nama karoo, south africans, wilderness, ai ais spa, second largest canyon on earth
Once upon a time a giant snake dwelled in southern Namibia. Every so often it devoured...
All great road trips start with a wrong turn.
Gondwana Collection Namibia, Stamps and Stories, headdresses, gondwana, initiation ceremony, Ovamboland, omutyuula-tree, Ximenia caffra, missionaries, iron products, palm leaf, omulenda, Ngandjera and Kwaluudhi, southern OvaWambo, ox sinews, oshipeke-tree, rhodesian teak, Kwaluudhi girls, onyangha, ground particles
For centuries the Ngandjera and Kwaluudhi have occupied the western regions of the area...
gondwana history, gondwana, Stories & History, the oldest building in Namibia, wesleyan mission, christian albrecht, Edward Cook, tiny dwellings, oldest existing building in Namibia, Great Namaqualand, Wesleyan Mission Society, Herman Nyhof, Sir James E. Alexander, walls and foundations, open hearths, Abraham and Christian Albrecht, Jager Afrikaner, London Missionary Society, kapsteilhuis, mission house, reverend edward, Warmbad
Little does the uninformed visitor realize, which fascinating history lies hidden behind...
Gondwana Collection Namibia, Stamps and Stories, africa, namib desert lodge, namib desert, Gondwana Namib Park, ostrich, fossilised dunes of the Namib, petrified sand dunes, animal fossils, Solitaire, sandstone layers, Tsondab sandstone, desert conditions, desert lodge, fossils, Drakensberg Mountains, Namib Desert Lodge
How does one know that the Namib is the oldest desert on earth? And that the ostrich...
imperial germany, Uncategorized, Stories & History, south west africa, schutztruppe, Dr. Theodor Seitz, Iron Cross, german south west africa, lieutenant colonel, Emperor Wilhelm II, German Red Cross, Order of Hildegard, First World War in August 1914, emperor wilhelm, Franco-Prussian War, King Friedrich Wilhelm III, von Heydebreck
The Order of Hildegard is a military decoration which was awarded by Imperial Germany for...
Striking, with their distinctive black and white stripes, zebras form part of the...
Gondwana Collection Namibia, Trans Andes Challange, Aus Mountains, western namibia, Frank Snyman and Piet Swiegers, vista lodge, Namibian mountain bikers, Toshiba Namibia, mountain bike trails, Panguipulli, trans andes challenge, Patagonian Andes in Chile, downhill stretches, mountain bikers, patagonian andes, Klein-Aus Vista lodge
The two Namibian mountain bikers Frank Snyman and Piet Swiegers both achieved excellent...
Gondwana Collection Namibia, Stamps and Stories, gondwana, Uncategorized, Plains zebra, mountain zebra, Poll, zebra stripes, african legends, lion, big cats, animal kingdom, predators, leopard, herd animals, hyaena and wild dog, IUCN Red List of Threatened Species, cheetah, equus zebra, Burchell’s (or plains) zebra Equus burchellii, African continent, mares and foals
White stripes on black or black stripes on white? Although our perceptions may differ, we...
Towering termite mounds reaching heavenwards from the savannah characterize many areas of...
Gondwana Collection Namibia, piet swiegers, Trans Andes Challange, mountain bike, klein-aus vista, mountain bike race, facebook, mountain bike trails, Panguipulli, trans andes challenge, downhill stretches, mountain bikers, patagonian andes, aus in south-western namibia, mtb challange, sponsored by toshiba namibia, chilean andes, frank snyman, professional mountain, elite category, veteran class
More than 12,000 metres in altitude / Wanted: 12,000 'likes' on Facebook
Gondwana Collection Namibia, light boats, Stamps and Stories, deepwater harbour, spruce timber, imperial germany, Walfish Bay harbour, south western part of africa, british hands, gondwana, Personalised Stamps, mole, railway wagons, carola kronsbein-goldbeck, walvis bay, city of swakopmund, jetty, stamps and stories
Swimming in the bay at the breakwater (Mole), standing on the jetty and marvelling at the...
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