Gondwana Collection Namibia, gondwana history, Gondwana Collection, Canyon Lodge, gondwana canyon park, Canyon Village, Canyon Roadhouse, klein-aus vista, Guest Blogger, canyonland, follw my foosteps, karas mountains, wildebeest route, kudu trail, Ron Swilling, ron swilling, stamps and stories
It was nearly time to leave this ancient canyonland and head north-east to Klein Aus Vista
Gondwana Collection Namibia, Nama, Gondwana Collection, amphitheater, Canyon Lodge, gondwana lodges, Canyon Village, follow my footsteps, Canyon Roadhouse, haitsi aibeb, Guest Blogger, Ron Swilling, ron swilling
Having previously stayed at two of the Gondwana lodges in the vicinity of the canyon (the...
Gondwana Collection Namibia, gondwana history, Gondwana Collection, Canyon Lodge, gondwana canyon park, Canyon Village, follow my footsteps, gondwana stamps and stories, Guest Blogger, sunset, namibian sunset, sunrise, Ron Swilling, ron swilling
Every now and then I am struck by the realization that every morning and every evening...
Gondwana Collection Namibia, gondwana history, Fish River, Gondwana Collection, follow my footsteps, Fish River Canyon, gondwana stamps and stories, Guest Blogger, second largest canyon, sulphur springs, Ron Swilling, ron swilling
We all went our different ways early in the morning and I caught a ride back to the ...
Gondwana Collection Namibia, Gondwana Collection, competition, gondwana lodge, Canyon Roadhouse, gonwana facebook competition, facebook, Facebook Photo Competition, win, gondwana volkswagen jubilee competition, gondwana vw competition, volkswagen, photo competition
Celebrate 75 years of Volkswagen and win 75 Gondwana nights by participating in the ...
gondwana history, Fish River, Gondwana Collection, mule trails, mules, follow my footsteps, Fish River Canyon, gondwana stamps and stories, Guest Blogger, mountains, horseshoe camp, canyon mule trekking, koelkrans, wild horses of the namib, Ron Swilling, ron swilling
When Manilow shouted his ‘moro, moro’ this morning, no-one was really interested, least...
gondwana history, Gondwana Collection, mule trails, gondwana, mules, follow my footsteps, Fish River Canyon, gondwana stamps and stories, Guest Blogger, canyon mule trekking, koelkrans, van Niekerk's cave, gondwana colllection namibia, rebecca solnit, walking, löwen camp, Ron Swilling, ron swilling
As the sun caught the yellow tents on the river bank, we enjoyed steaming coffee and...
Gondwana Collection Namibia, gondwana history, Fish River, Gondwana Collection, mule trails, gondwana canyon park, Fish River Canyon, himba, Guest Blogger, canyon mule trekking, battlesnake camp, löwen camp, Ron Swilling, löwen river, ron swilling, stamps and stories
When we awoke at 5.45am to guide Manilow calling ‘Moro, moro’ in Himba fashion, the...
Gondwana Collection Namibia, gondwana history, Gondwana Collection, mule trails, gondwana canyon park, mules, Fish River Canyon, Guest Blogger, battlesnake camp, Ron Swilling, ron swilling, stamps and stories
As the Nama legend goes, a gigantic snake was preying on the people’s livestock. They...
Gondwana Collection Namibia, gondwana history, Gondwana Collection, Canyon Lodge, mule trails, Mannfred Goldbeck, Canyon Village, Canyon Roadhouse, Guest Blogger, wild horses of namibia, canyon mule trekking, Windhoek Beer Ambassador, mule station, environmental ambassador, Ron Swilling, ron swilling, stamps and stories
Often in Life you are awed by the simple things, and this morning it was the sunrise from...
Gondwana Collection Namibia, Trygve Cooper, Gondwana Collection, gondwana, gondwana canyon park, ecotourism, Mannfred Goldbeck, Canyon Village, Ai-Ais, Fish River Canyon, Guest Blogger, Ron Swilling, ron swilling
The golden afternoon light ushered me in to the Canyon Village, through an enchanting...
Gondwana Collection Namibia, adventure, Aussenkehr, Into the Wild, Fish River, Gondwana Collection, hot springs, gondwana, gondwana canyon park, rugged mountains, Canyon Village, vineyards, Eddie Vedder, Ai-Ais, Place of Burning Water, orange river, Fish River Canyon, Noordoewer, Guest Blogger, Ron Swilling, ron swilling
‘Welcome to Namibia’. The sign at the border to Namibia glimmered enticingly. I turned...
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