Gondwana Collection, klein-aus vista mountain bike challenge, klein-aus vista, Travel Tips, Klein-Aus Vista: The world’s most biodiverse deser
When the fog arising from the cold coastline creeps inward, but is countered by the wind...
klein-aus vista, Travel Tips, Bahnhof Hotel Aus Restaurant, The highlights of exploring Aus in Namibia
Who said little towns do not have much to offer? Well, Aus is but a little desert town in...
Gondwana Collection Namibia, zambezi, etosha safari lodge, Namushasha River Lodge, The Delight Hotel, damara mopane lodge, Gondwana Collection, Kalahari Anib Lodge, Canyon Lodge, namib desert lodge, Kalahari Farmhouse, Uncategorized, Hakusembe River Lodge, Canyon Village, namib desert, What to do in Namibia, The Delight Swakopmund, Swakopmund Hotel, Fish River Canyon, Canyon Roadhouse, klein-aus vista, Gondwana Guidebook, 101-sunsets-with-gondwana, EES, Gondwana Sundowner Competition, 101 Sunsets, Canyon Roadhouse, Namib Desert Lodge, Swakopmund, gondwana kalahari park, Etosha Safari Lodge, Kalahari Farmhouse, Damara Mopane Lodge, Canyon Lodge, Namib Desert Lodge, hakusembe river lodge
In Namibia, clear skies and delicious warm evenings have inspired an important tradition...
piet swiegers, Gondwana Collection, mountain bike, African Stories, klein-aus vista, training, cape epic, absa, Klein-aus Vista, Ron Swilling
Two passionate mountain bikers from opposite sides of the globe, separated by 10 000km,...
Nature Conservation, Namibia Story, Wild Horses, African Stories, klein-aus vista, Hitradio, Aktion Sonnenstern, wild Horses Foundation, wild horses
100 years wild horses logo
Travel, Mountain biking, Gondwana Collection Namibia, africa, Gondwana Collection, follow my footsteps, klein-aus vista mountain bike challenge, klein-aus vista, Guest Blogger, activities, sperrgebiet rand park, geisterschlucht, schutztruppe, Ron Swilling, ron swilling
‘Home is where the heart is’, and today it was time to explore my temporary home at Klein...
Travel, Gondwana Collection Namibia, gondwana history, africa, Gondwana Collection, eagle's nest chalets, desert horse inn, namib desert, follow my footsteps, klein-aus vista, gondwana stamps and stories, Guest Blogger, klein aus, gemsbok, sand, desert, brown hyena, Kolmanskuppe, kolmanskup, Lüderitz, Ron Swilling, wild horses, ron swilling
I sped westwards towards the Namib Desert on the long straight road between Klein Aus,...
Gondwana Collection Namibia, gondwana history, Gondwana Collection, Canyon Lodge, gondwana canyon park, Canyon Village, Canyon Roadhouse, klein-aus vista, Guest Blogger, canyonland, follw my foosteps, karas mountains, wildebeest route, kudu trail, Ron Swilling, ron swilling, stamps and stories
It was nearly time to leave this ancient canyonland and head north-east to Klein Aus Vista
Gondwana Collection Namibia, piet swiegers, Gondwana Collection, eagle's nest chalets, desert horse inn, klein-aus vista, bertha theron, mountainbiking, susanne borgian grassow, kia mtb series, mtb challenge, elenor grassow, tristan de lange, martin freyer, herbert peters, Klein-aus Vista, heinrich köhne
The KIA Mountainbike Series 2013 kicked off with the third edition of the Klein Aus Vista...
Tanja Meyer, Gondwana Collection, desert horse inn, Wild Horses, Kolmanskop ghost town, klein-aus vista, Guest Blogger, tanya Mejer, wild horses
My second cup of coffee before leaving, brings me into contact with a curious and...
Gondwana Collection Namibia, eagle's nest chalets, desert horse inn, mountainbike challenge 2013, klein-aus vista mountainbike challenge, klein-aus vista, Klein-aus Vista
Once a year around the end of April, Klein-Aus Vista organizes a Mountain Bike Challenge,...
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