Travel, Gondwana Collection Namibia, Stamps and Stories, gondwana, Uncategorized, Kwando River, south west africa, MaFwe, Zambezi River, german south west africa, southern africa, HaMbukushu, caprivi strip, MaTotela, BaLozi, BaSubiya, linyanti, zambezi rivers, okavango and zambezi river, island helgoland, latitude and longitude, MaMbalangwe and BaMashi, southern african subcontinent, BaYeyi, imperial chancellor, stamps and stories
The question that often crosses people's minds is why the Caprivi Strip, which reaches...
Travel, Gondwana Collection Namibia, Stamps and Stories, National Museum of Namibia, Uncategorized, environment, Kwando River, AaWambo, transportation, makalani palm, VaKavango, West-Caprivi, East caprivi, Zambezi River, black Bushmen, Luyi-Balozi, Khwe, collecting bags, Hambukushu area of Kavango, Nyemba, bantu-speaking, Bantu-speaking People, Kavango area, HaMbukushu, Pópò-baskets, Professor Dr Oswin Köhler, oámà-baskets
A large variety of basketry has always formed part of the material culture of the...
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