Close your eyes for a moment and imagine a group of young giants frolicking amongst stone...
Tsauchab River, Deadvlei, What makes Deadvlei so unique?, Uncategorized, sossusvlei, namib desert, This blog post provides a descriptive background o, Namib Desert Lodge, Namib Desert Lodge, Namibia Travel Tips
This natural phenomenon can be found close to Sossusvlei, where the Namib Desert is in...
Gondwana Collection Namibia, Canyon Mule Trails, How the Fish River Canyon should be experienced, Uncategorized, This blog post explains how the Fish River Canyon, The Fish River Canyon, Canyon Village, What to do in Namibia, Canyon Klipspringer Trail, Canyon Roadhouse, Canyon Lodge
The mighty Fish River Canyon…second largest canyon in the world. Not at all daunting when...
Nama, Uncategorized, Stories & History, History Books, Singer sewing machine, Hugo Hahn, Kunene region, The Singer sewing machine: Changing the world stit, Isaac Merritt Singer, Owambo Namibia, Elias Howe, Herero Namibia, Emma Hahn, Herero women, Owambo traditional dresses
In the mid-1800s, the invention of the sewing machine revolutionised the sewing industry...
Stampriet, Gondwana Collection, Kalahari Anib Lodge, Kalahari Farmhouse, Gondwana Kalahari Park, What to do in Namibia, The Gondwana Academy, Why you should visit the Kalahari Farmhouse, Gondwana Training Academy, Kalahari Farmhouse
Working for Gondwana definitely has its perks, and sitting on my own little terrace in...
Uncategorized, Namiban Road Trip Impressions, Stories & History, Gondwana Sperrgebiet Rand Park, orange river, Bartholomeus Diaz, ‘Gates of Hell’, De Beers mining group, Bom Jesus (Good Jesus), Diamond Shipwreck, Vasco de Gama
So, we all attended at least a handful of history lessons based on Exploders. The mighty...
Gondwana Collection Namibia, Uncategorized, Padkos in Namibia, What to do in Namibia, Guest Blogger, Lea Hajner, Packing for Namibia: Helpful Travel tips, Blog Escape Town, Namibia Travel Tips
It often isn’t easy to pack the right things for your next trip. A look at Namibia’s...
skeleton coast, The Delight Hotel, Uncategorized, Namiban Road Trip Impressions, Stories & History, What to do in Namibia, The Delight Swakopmund, Swakopmund Hotel, Kolmanskop ghost town, focusing on the skeletal formation and why it came, Why is it called the Skeleton Coast, This blog post provides an overview of the Namibia, Namibian Bushman, Swakopmund, Namibia Travel Tips
A rather threatening concept… associating the entire coastline with a skeletal formation....
Gondwana Collection Namibia, Uncategorized, Namiban Road Trip Impressions, What to do in Namibia, EES, Namibia2go, everysecondcounts, A million views for Namibia first, Zondag met Lubach Late Night Show, every second counts, America First /NAMIBIA FIRST (NOT SECOND) | Respon
Termites, Australian Outback, Uncategorized, Why Fairies visit Namiba, Princeton University
We have all heard the term ‘fairy circles’ at one point or another. And as most of us do,...
The Gondwana Collection is celebrating its 21st birthday this year (2017). To the public...
Gondwana Collection, Rain Season Namibia, Fish River Canyon, travel to namibia, Social Media Challenge, Namibian Nature, Namibia Rain, Rain Competition
At long last, after a seemingly endless drought, the rain has finally arrived. Having...
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