After the resounding success of "Climate Kicks" across various Namibian towns such as...
Gondwana Collection Namibia is thrilled to introduce some exclusive new developments to...
On the crisp morning of 4 November 2023, over 140 participants eagerly laced up their...
Gondwana Collection Namibia, renowned for curating exceptional holiday experiences,...
Join our Gondwana Bonanza on Black Friday, our live show on Gondwana Collection’s YouTube...
The Botanical Society of Namibia selected the Adopt a Quiver Tree Project of the Gondwana...
It's that time again! The Gondwana Care Trust, with colleagues from various Gondwana...
The Ministry of Environment, Forestry and Tourism, called for the protection of tourists...
Gondwana Collection Namibia is proud to introduce the "Tourism Heroes" campaign. This...
Registration had barely opened when all 20 available places for the Gondwana Care Trust...
Gondwana Collection Namibia would like to introduce its latest addition to the top-class...
Wake-up call for all enthusiastic runners who appreciate a trail run through nature...
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