
Loving our Fellow Namibians

Written by Admin | Feb 12, 2023 10:00:00 PM

Namibia - the land of the brave. What a bold yet very true statement seeing our strength and perseverance to struggle, do and ultimately achieve something that will make the world a better place. Namibia is known for its friendly locals who always have a smile on their faces and are ready to help in any situation.



The Gondwana Care Trust is a true symbol of this, taking their resources and the hands of other Namibian companies and organisations to help better the lives of as many Namibians as possible.


Just as diverse as the Namibian landscape, one can say the same for its people. From the friendly Nama people to the vibrant Ovambo people – we all have our unique ways of doing and saying things, yet we all understand and respect one another's ways. I think this is why, for the most part, Namibia feels like one big unique family. Not only because we are only 2.5 million people in this large country, but because we understand, we emphasize and we love each other. We try and find ways to accommodate and help one another, no matter how small our contribution might be.



The Gondwana Care Trust believes in loving all things nature, sustainability and their fellow Namibians. Their love is shown by giving back to struggling communities where children are dropping out of school, mothers are struggling to feed their children and the elderly sit without food for days. This could be a warm meal, reintroducing the quiver trees to the south of Namibia, and even encouraging youth to finish school and matric.


We all know that loving someone is good for your mental and physical health, as your brain produces dopamine that makes you feel instantly happier. Loving people and showing love to someone else encourage that individual to do the same to other people – creating a chain reaction of good deeds and love all around. Just imagine what good it can do if more organisations and Namibians follow in the footsteps of Gondwana Care Trust.


“Love each other dearly always. There is scarcely anything else in the world but that: to love one another.”― Victor Hugo