New Year. What does the New Year exactly mean? It’s not like there’s a switch that automatically goes off and everything is brand new. No, it’s just another day, another normal day and sun is still getting up in exactly the same spot every morning. Wait, I’m not being cynical, I am merely stating the fact that it is a mind thing. That is exactly my point. It is all in the mind and that is exactly how you should be approaching this New Year. You should approach each month as if it is a New Year. That does not mean you get to have a big party at every end of the month and a public holiday with a display of fireworks. You can if that will help you with the whole process. Your neighbors will just think of you as a total fruitcake, but who cares.
January 2014 is the first month of the New Year where you feel refreshed and have all these resolutions to do all things new and kick old habits, but don't do it yet. January is a good time to take it easy and go relaxing at least once somewhere close to nature like Canyon Roadhouse. You have time to reflect on the previous year and not merely succumb to pressure by making all kinds of empty resolutions and ending up feeling guilty.
February is the best month to start a walking club or pick up some kind of hobby. Yes you need a hobby. This is very important. How about photography. Its very relaxing and you can share it on a platform like Flicker.
During March you need to make resolutions. Did you know,in Roman times, March was the original beginning of the year, and the time for the resumption of war? How about starting a war against all your bad habits? It’s the perfect month to make your New Year’s resolutions. Do your planning to make this year exceptional. Get a big calender and put it up in a place where you see it a lot. Make a mini copy of it and place it in your diary. You can even set reminders on your cellphone to constantly be aware of your goals and resolutions.
April is activity month. Do something out of the ordinary. Like going on a mule trail. Get out of your comfort zone and get active.
May : May is holiday month. Take a week long break but not just a typical break. Plan an all in one holiday with hiking, mountainbiking, swimming, fishing and things you do not normally do.
June is your middle of the year celebration resolution month. Recap on the past few months and see if you have been sticking to your goals and plans.
July is reading month. Pick up a book or two and actually finish them. Don’t just read the first few pages and use it as a coaster for the rest of the year.
August is reward month. If you have been sticking to your goals and resolutions, reward yourself. Even if it is just one or two, you did it.
September, oh beautiful September. Spring has sprung and the flowers are blooming. Now is the perfect time for fun in the sun and getting into shape after the winter blues. Go on a roadtrip, make delicious “padkos” and have a picnic next to the road on your way to Etosha National Park and smell the fresh air. Get your hands dirty in the garden and plant some flowers.
October : Start doing your Christmas shopping and planning already. It will take the stress out of silly season and save you money.
November is the month to stop and smell the flowers you planted in September. Take long walks, sit on a blanket under the stars and think of all the things you are thankful for.
December you need to go on holiday again. Yes, you need a break to get some fresh air and see how beautiful the world is. The Namib Desert will help you to get in touch with yourself and the perfect spot is high up on a dune to laugh about all the silly things you did this year.
Happy New Year . I really hope you will take this year a bit slower, dance under the stars, relax with a book, make time for friends and family, and believe in yourself. Stop stressing. It is not going to make any of your problems go away. You are just gonna end up with wrinkles, a headache and make you eat more. Then you stress about losing weight, and getting rid of the worry lines; its really not worth it. Take it easy and love yourself.
Happy New Year!
Jessica Thomas is a local freelance writer. She is an eccentric young lady who has a love
affair with writing. Get on board her journey of discovery.