
Did you know travelling to Namibia will improve your health?

Written by Bernd Grahl | Jul 28, 2017 8:38:09 AM

We all like to dream of travelling to far off places. We see a photograph, or hear a story and the planning starts. Although, sometimes the planning doesn’t materialize.

What if I told you there are legitimate health benefits to travelling? I kid you not. Travelling helps to boost your immune system by exposing you to new environments. And it also reduces stress and improves brain health. Need I continue?


"Game drives in Namibia feel like traveling on another planet." Rights to The World Pursuit


Now that we have confirmed the health benefits of traveling… here is why Namibia should be your number one choice. We want you to be healthy, after all.

Fresh air. Namibia’s magnificent, wide open spaces will offer you the breath of fresh air your body so desperately needs.


Rights to Judy & Scott Hurd


When you stand at the lookout point of the Fish River Canyon or feel the sea breeze in your hair… that is what fresh air tastes like. And while you’re there, check out any of our Canyon properties or The Delight in Swakopmund.


"A walker rests his feet on his rucksack as the waves roll in"
Rights to Judy & Scott Hurd


And the ultimate selling point – travelling will let you live longer! Or so research claims. This is because you are more active while travelling. And the above mentioned benefits are not to be forgotten. Namibia offers all the experiences you need to be active and healthy. (i.e. live longer!)


"Walking in the Sossousvlei area at mid day"
Rights to Judy & Scott Hurd


Grab an e-bike at Kalahari Anib Lodge and ride along the Kalahari dunes. For those who do not cycle, don’t worry, the bikes are battery operated. This makes the cycling less strenuous and more enjoyable.


"Guests can now rent electric fat-bikes to pedal through the Gondwana Kalahari Park on selected routes."


Or head all the way north and walk along the Kwando River from the Namushasha River Lodge to visit the Heritage Centre. See the natural beauty from a new perspective while staying healthy and active.


Namushasha Heritage Centre


Travel to Namibia and feel the everyday stress melt away as you are lost in the natural wonder of the country. Stay healthy and have the travel experience of a lifetime, in Namibia.


Share your Namibian experiences with us in the comment section below!


Author – Jescey Visagie is a proud Namibian and is passionate about writing and language. Tag along for the ride as she tries to uncover new insights into Namibia and explores what the country has to offer.