
Elephant bite by bite

Written by Admin | Mar 12, 2023 10:00:00 PM

In a world where there are so many obstacles and dilemmas, one can easily become overwhelmed and feel almost powerless in “making a difference”. But as the saying goes, "every little bit helps”, or as I like to put it “how to eat an elephant”. Now, we don’t really have Elephant steak or Elephant a la King for dinner, but my father always says that the only way one can eat an elephant would be by doing so “bite by bite”.


No matter how small our actions may seem, they can still have a positive impact in the bigger scheme of things. And it’s on my Gondwana Care Trust photo-documenting where I would realize that this is especially true when it comes to caring for those in need, whether it be through donations, volunteering, or simply spreading awareness. More than anything else, I’ve also learnt that kind words or even just a caring nature can make the world’s difference – and this not only in the lives of others, but also your own.



And so, it’s obvious, my love for the Gondwana Care Trust and what we strive to do. Founded in 2017, this Trust Fund is dedicated to improving the lives of various disadvantaged communities throughout our beloved Namibia. Through a variety of programs, including education, healthcare, women projects, and community development we’re slowly but surely conquering this “elephant”.


One of the ways the Gondwana Care Trust helps those in need is by providing education and support to young children. Our Early Childhood Development programs focus on children from birth up and until the day they would leave primary school, providing resources to various kindergartens for a safe and stimulating environment in which they can learn and grow.



The trust has recently partnered up with a young initiative that solves many problems Namibian scholars face on a daily basis. The EduVision project in Namibia is a ground breaking initiative, and aims to transform the educational system in rural communities in the country. The project was launched in response to the urgent need to improve the quality of education and provide greater opportunities for children living in remote areas of Namibia - and believe me, there are many!



The EduVision project seeks to achieve its goals through a holistic approach that addresses the various challenges facing rural schools, including lack of resources, inadequate infrastructure, and shortage of qualified teachers. The project provides critical support to teachers, enabling them to enhance their skills and knowledge, and also offers practical resources and teaching aids that can be used in the classroom.


The EduVision project works closely with students, providing them with access to technology and other resources that can help to improve their learning outcomes. The project collaborates with local communities to raise awareness of the importance of education and encourage greater participation in school activities. Overall, EduVision is a shining example of how "every little bit helps".



They and many of the other initiatives supported by Gondwana Care Trust are making a big impact in the lives of the people they serve. By focusing on education, healthcare, and community development, we are surely addressing some of the most pressing issues facing disadvantaged communities in our country.


But you don't need to be part of a large organisation to make a difference. Every individual has the power to help out our neighbours, even in small ways. Can I challenge you? At least just start with a simple 5 Namibian Dollars for the car-guard.


Author: Marlene Orffer

Photos: EduVision and Gondwana Care Trust