
14 Easy Valentine’s day ideas

Written by Bernd Grahl | Feb 13, 2015 8:12:10 PM

I know it’s probably cheesy to write a blog on Valentine’s Day about Valentine’s Day but we know it’s not always the easiest task to come up with ideas to make your companion feel special.

The girls in the office (Janine, Connie & me) have compiled some easy ideas to make Valentine’s Day a romantic and unforgettable occasion.

Namibia’s wide open spaces and great starry nights is the perfect setting for this special day. Even if you are out camping, this day does not have to pass without a big whoo-haa.


The Setting

Lights are very important to set the scene. Candles create a great atmosphere but please mind the trees. Don't start a bush fire while your trying to impress. Make sure they are a safe distance from trees and grass and that it cannot tumble over. If you have the resources, fairy lights is always a winner or opt for the easy choice of solar jars.


Image source: alittlecampy



If you have a few wine glasses and candles, and those fresh flowers you can create ac chick magazine look.


Image source: Pinterest


Pack a picnic basket with fresh bread, a variety of cold meat and an assortment of cheeses, some olives and off course wine and voila, you have the perfect dinner / lunch.


Image source:


These sandwiches are very easy to make and a super cute way to express your love.


Image source: Pinterest


Take some red crafting paper, cut out a whole bunch of hearts, tie them to strings and let it hang from the trees. Blossoming love.


Image source:


The gifts 

These gifts are very easy to make and for the travel enthusiast, it would definitely make an impression.


Image source:



Image source: Pinterest



The activities

Grab the guitar and sing some love songs. (You just frowned at me right?) I'm sorry, I know this is so cheesy, its extra stuffed with cheese, but it could be fun to sit around the camp fire singing songs or just humming your favorite tunes.


How about doing it old-school and dust off the board games.






This NO BAKE CAKE is like heaven in your mouth!!! You don't even have to turn on the oven to make it!! Easy and Delicious! (Recipe found on Instead of making it in one dish, use big wine glasses instead.



1 Box of Vanilla Wafers
1 Can of Crushed Pineapples with Juice
1/4 cup Lemon Juice
1 can sweetened condensed milk
1 package of coconut
1 Container Cool Whip
1 small jar of cherries
1 cup of pecans (optional)


Layer the bottom of dish with Vanilla Wafers. Mix in a bowl the lemon juice and condensed milk, then add the pineapples and mix all together. Pour this over the vanilla wafers in the dish. Add another layer of the Vanilla Wafers on top of the pineapple mix. Then top with cool whip, coconut and cherries. Refrigerate overnight. Serve and Enjoy!

Note: You can replace coconut with pecans if you'd like.



You can also opt for the easier solution: Strawberries and Cream.

Last but not least, to round off a special evening perfectly, get quiet on a blanket with some romantic stargazing and a bottle of champagne. If you see a shooting star, make a wish. Who knows, it might just come true. (wink wink)


Image by: Frikkie Brand


I would love to hear what you are doing for Valentines day or what you did to make the day special.

(A big thank you to my colleagues for helping me with this list of special ideas)

Jessica Thomas is a local freelance writer. She is an eccentric young lady who has a love affair with writing. Get on board her journey of discovery.